
Lakeshore Manufacturing Supply Chain

View PowerPoint on Supply Chain Mapping

The Lakeshore Manufacturing Directory emerged from the Lakeshore Industry Cluster Work to assist businesses in sourcing area suppliers. The Lakeshore Industry Cluster Initiative was coordinated by Progress Lakeshore, in partnership with the following organizations:

  • Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation
  • Kewaunee County Economic Development Corporation
  • Calumet County
  • Door County Economic Development Corporation
  • New North, Inc.
  • Lakeshore Technical College
  • Northeastern Wisconsin Technical College

Lakeshore Industry Cluster Initiative led to the further analysis of the manufacturing base with the Lakeshore Manufacturing Supply Chain Network Mapping Project, which mapped out four targeted sectors of manufacturing supply chains on the Lakeshore:

  1. Cheese
  2. Plastics Products
  3. Cutlery, Utensils, Pots and Pans
  4. Metal Fab/Machine Shops